Webinar: Do you want to kickstart 2024 with a new career in IT?

Xplorafory Test, Distans
1 timme
Deltid, distans
1 timme
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Om utbildningen

An Inspirational get together

Do you feel stuck or lack motivation in your current job situation❓

Join me for an FREE and inspiring online session that could change your life in just one hour ⏰.

My promise to you is I’ll give you the roadmap you need to kick-start 2024 in a whole new way!

I will show how you can:

✔ Get a new career and start working within three months.

✔ Make more money while working less.

✔ Have a happier and more balanced life, with more time for family and leisure.

How is this possible in only three months, you may wonder?
…..The thriving software testing industry has a huge lack of talent.

Discover real success stories from people who were once in your shoes and where they are today!
Don't miss your chance to explore the booming software testing industry and kickstart your career in just 9 weeks!📆

Date: 10/2 ⌚ Time: 02:00 PM CEST ⏳ Duration: 60 minutes

The event is free.
Please note, Zoom spots are limited, and no recordings will be provided. This is an interactive workshop, so your live attendance is required.
Don't miss out—see you there! 🔥

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Berguven 20
4353 Göteborg

Xplorafory Test - utbildningar i mjukvarutestning och testautomation

Drömmer du om ett spännande jobb på en växande och attraktiv marknad, där du dessutom har möjlighet att göra skillnad? Vill du även ha ett varierande yrke som ger dig möjlighet att växa både på jobbet och på det personliga...

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