
Test automation engineer - English

Xplorafory Test, Distans
12 veckor
12 veckor
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Om utbildningen

Test automation engineer - English

Test Automation Engineer course at Xplorafory Test

Do you want to grow to an excellent test automation engineer? This course in test automation will make this a reality. As a positive result your market value as tester will also increase.

The training is conducted mainly in the afternoons and evenings so as not to affect your current commitments. The purpose of the course is to effectively deliver quality-assured, tested and customer-friendly functionality via effective forms of team collaboration, communication, customer collaboration and early and frequent feedback.


Who are you?

You have worked with testing or development for at least 2 years and want to update your knowledge in test automation.

You or your company need to increase your competence in test automation to streamline your test work. You want to learn the latest in automated testing and become competitive in the job market.

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Varför välja Xplorafory Test?


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Payment terms

You can divide your payment in 6 installments.

Where you pay 10 000 SEK inclusive VAT the first time.

Then 5 installments at 8000 SEK inclusive VAT.

Try on

If you are unsure if this is for you. You can try 3 weeks for 10 000 SEK plus VAT.

Then decide if you want to continue and pay the rest or if you want your money back.

Our Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee

When you join us at the Test Automation engineer education, you can invest with confidence because you’ll always be covered by our money back guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event we can’t help you become a Test Automation Engineer within 12 weeks, we’ll refund every cent you’ve invested with us – no questions asked.

Examen & Intyg

After Test Automation Engineer

After the course, you will be able to identify tests that can be automated and perform the automation. You can also create executable automated test cases with associated documentation.

The purpose of the course is to streamline the testing process with the help of automatic tests. You can start the company’s automated work in a safe and value-creating way.

Past clients feel that they are taking the next step in their careers. Which opens up many new possibilities.


Efter kursen kommer du kunna

  • Använda dig av Robot Framework's nyckelords drivna testapproach och syntax för att skriva och utföra tester
  • Komponera nya nyckelord från befintliga
  • Skapa, tolka rapporter och loggar för att felsöka fel i den testade applikationen
  • Utökade Robot Framework-funktioner med hjälp av tredjepartsbibliotek skrivna i Python
  • Dela upp testfallen och nyckelorden i separat filer
  • Integrera Robot Framework med Selenium för att testa webbapplikationer
  • Installera Robot Framework från början och lägga till libraries

Du får även 100% pengarna tillbaka garanti om kursen inte skulle leva upp till dina förväntningar.


Jonas Breisel

I've been doing this for over 13 years.
I also struggled with finding good material to learn from.
The big change for me came when I started to activate myself outside working hours. I meet fellow testers. I got great tips on material to study. The biggest change came when I come over the ideas I am going to share with you in this course.

I've tested everything from small systems to system so big you can´t see the end point. I have helped many companies set up their testing from scratch to a well functioning CI/CD-flow.

WARNING: I can´t tell you that you will do exact this, because I don´t know you... but I will give you the secrets you need to be able to be a great test automation engineer.

I've helped hundreds of people just like you learn how to not only use the tools, but also perform great test automation.


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Jenny Lernbring
11 okt 2021

En bred och aktuell utbildning som ger en bra grund att stå på inför framtida utmaningar. Jonas är högst hjälpsam och stöttande som person! Han har lagt upp kursen på ett bra oc...

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Royalyn Gifty
11 okt 2021

Not many are so efficient as Jonas , he possess rich knowledge in various Test Automation tools and frameworks. Not only technical skills Jonas possess great soft skills and com...

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11 okt 2021

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Xplorafory Test
Berguven 20
4353 Göteborg

Xplorafory Test - utbildningar i mjukvarutestning och testautomation

Drömmer du om ett spännande jobb på en växande och attraktiv marknad, där du dessutom har möjlighet att göra skillnad? Vill du även ha ett varierande yrke som ger dig möjlighet att växa både på jobbet och på det personliga...

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