6 Week "Grow Your Testing Skills Confidently" Challenge

Xplorafory Test, Distans
6 veckor
3 990 SEK inkl. moms
Nästa startdatum
19 augusti, 2024 se detaljer
Sista ansökan
Sista ansökan: 2024-08-18
6 veckor
3 990 SEK inkl. moms
Nästa startdatum
19 augusti, 2024 se detaljer
Sista ansökan
Sista ansökan: 2024-08-18
Från 3 990 SEK inkl. moms / person


Om utbildningen

6 Week "Grow Your Testing Skills Confidently" Challenge

Are you feeling insecure in your role as a software tester?

I bet you’ve tried searching for knowledge on the Internet, asking ChatGPT, attending free network events, getting your employer to invest in an ISTQB certification and "searching educational sites"... And nothing has quite worked for you, right?

I’ve had a TONNE of insecure software testers reach out to me asking for my help.

So I had this crazy idea to build a step by step plan to guide you from feeling insecure about your tester skills, thinking about learning test automation, thinking about getting a mentor in testing to become a great software tester, that feels confident in your work in 6 weeks.

I am looking for 10 software testers who are sick of feeling insecure about your tester skills and are ready to take back control.

On April 29, these founding members will start working closely with me to become great software testers, that feels confident in their work. I will not let you fail.

Does that sound exciting to you?

Kommande kursstarter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

19 augusti, 2024

  • Distans
  • Distans
  • Engelska
  • Sista ansökan: 2024-08-18

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Those 10 Founding Members will get the following bonuses: 

✅ 6 Week "Grow Your Testing Skills Confidently" Challenge so that you can become a confident software tester without spending hours searching for trustworthy knowledge and feeling insecure. 

👉 The Challenge follows the The ConfidentTester Method, which is a unique system to  become a great software tester, that feels confident in your work. The ConfidentTester Method focuses on the person instead of tools and certifications. 

✅ Weekly Group Coaching Calls to personalize your plan. 

✅ Great Software Tester cheat Sheet so you can accelerate your learning.

✅ Accountability Group so you don’t quit until you see results.

✅ XploraTester App to excel your knowledge from anywhere, anytime.

✅ XploraTester Master Membership: Including Access To New content, Weekly Feedback Calls After The Challenge and The XploraTester Community to hold you accountable and create long term results.

The best part is, you will get all of this for a huge discount as a founding member! 

When I do the full public launch, I’m going to charge 12.500 SEK for this program. 

But I have a sneaky reason for giving you a huge discount…

All I need from you is 4.950 SEK incl. VAT.


👉 What’s included?

  • Week 1: Mindset Quick Start 
  • Week 2: Self Leadership Hotfix
  • Week 3: Lead with strategy
  • Week 4: A Testers Toolbox Redefined
  • Week 5: Mastering Test Automation
  • Week 6: Experience Testing Confident

I’m looking for 10 Founding Members, who I can work with closely over the next 6 weeks to give you incredible results.

“Jonas is a very helpful teacher with a great knowledge of testing. He helped me to learn different testing techniques in manual and automation testing. He has a positive attitude in his teaching which helped me to achieve my goal.“
Nisha Garg

Do you want to be the next XploraTester success story?


Course leader

Jonas Breisel

I’ve been doing this for over 13 years. I also struggled with finding good material to learn from. The big change for me came when I started

to activate myself outside working hours.

I meet fellow testers.
I got great tips on material to study. The biggest change came when I come over the ideas I am going to share with you in this course.

I’ve tested everything from small systems to system so big you can´t see the end point. I have helped many companies set up their testing from scratch to a well functioning CI/CD-flow.

WARNING: I can´t tell you that you will do exact this, because I don´t know you… but I will give you the secrets you need to be able to be a great test automation engineer.

I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you learn how to not only use the tools, but also perform great test automation.


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Xplorafory Test
Berguven 20
4353 Göteborg

Xplorafory Test - utbildningar i mjukvarutestning och testautomation

Drömmer du om ett spännande jobb på en växande och attraktiv marknad, där du dessutom har möjlighet att göra skillnad? Vill du även ha ett varierande yrke som ger dig möjlighet att växa både på jobbet och på det personliga...

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