
Electric Powertrain Engineering

YH Akademin, i Trollhättan (+1 orter)
1,5 år
Nästa startdatum
19 augusti, 2024 se detaljer
Distans med träffar
1,5 år
Nästa startdatum
19 augusti, 2024 se detaljer
Distans med träffar
Få mer information om utbildningen 👍

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

19 augusti, 2024

  • Distans med träffar
  • Trollhättan

Om utbildningen

What does an electric powertrain engineer work with? 

A transformingautomotive industryrelies on the ability to find innovative solutions.With this program you develop the knowledge to work as a highly qualified electric powertrain engineer. Your job is within research, design, and development to support e-drive systems, power electronics, andenergy storage.

These skills are highly demanded in the future for designers, test engineers, and development engineers in the automotive industry. The program is designed to provide knowledge about:

  • Dimensioning of electricity in vehicles
  • Electrical storage technology
  • Control systems and functions of the power electronics
  • EMC 
  • Challenges with electrical measurement technology 
  • Laws, standards, and safety guidelines regarding electrical vehicles 

Specialized skills matched to industry need

Together with leading vehicle manufacturers, we have developed a training concept fore- drive systems and the challenges this entails. The program is aimed at both newly graduated technicians and engineers as well as those who have many years of experience. All program components prepare you for research and development in support of e-drive systems, power electronics, as well as battery and energy storage. 

För mer information om Electric Powertrain Engineering, vänligen fyll i en intresseanmälan nedan.


Apply to the program at ya.se/yrkeshogskola/electric-powertrain-engineering/

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Samarbete med branscher


Distansutbildning med tillfällen på plats

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Basic eligibility:

You are formally qualified for admission to education if you meet one of the following:

  • Have a high school diploma from secondary school and municipal adult education.
  • Have a Swedish or foreign education that meets the requirements of paragraph 1.
  • Resident in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, or Norway and is authorized to appropriate training.
  • Swedish or foreign education, practical experience, or because of some other circumstance has the potential to benefit your education.

Specific requirements

Lowest score E (Pass or similar):

  • Mathematics 3
  • English 6 (English B)
  • Physics 1 (Physics A)

Are you missing some requirements?

Ways to meet the requirements through recognition of prior learning:

If you do not have the necessary formal qualifications, recognition of prior learning is a way to qualify for this education. Read more about this at ya.se/yrkeshogskola/electric-powertrain-engineering/

Examen & Intyg

The program leads to a Higher Vocational Education degree (yrkeshögskoleexamen).


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YH Akademin
Holmgatan 22
791 71 Falun

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