
Relationship Therapist - International_08

Sexologiskolan, i Oslo (+1 orter)
1 år
Deltid, distans
1 år
Deltid, distans
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Relationship Therapist - International_08

Relationship Therapist - International

Join our International Education in Relationship Therapy and become a Relationship Therapist!

Join from all over the world – Our Int. Line in Relationship Therapy. Read your educations online – and visit occasionally our locations in different countries, if you wish.

We welcome you – to a world of interesting, relevant and up to date knowledge in the field of Relationship Therapy. Including both scientific clinical sexological, psychological therapeutical approach – and wisdom from the 5000 years old traditions of such as tantra. With focus on the whole human being!

Join our course to become an Int. Therapist in the field of Relationship Therapy & Psychology, for both individuals and couples!

Free intro seminar - online

You are welcome to sign up for our free intro seminars where you can ask questions about our international programs. Please visit Sexologiskolan's website for more information about our upcoming seminars.

För mer information om Relationship Therapist - International_08, vänligen fyll i en intresseanmälan nedan.

Application procedure

Please visit Sexologiskolan's website for more information about the application procedure.


Online or in Denmark

The education can be taken 100% Online, through Zoom-Webinars – and occasionally you can join our events and other seminars on location in beautiful Copenhagen, one of the Nordic countries. We welcome you to an adventurous education and life experience! 

We also invite you to become a part of our team of counsellors, from the beginning of your study period – by renting consultation rooms at our schools in Copenhagen, beautiful located by the sea – and in Århus and Oslo – directly at the center of the cities. 

All our international educations can be taken up to 100% Online. Regardless if you live in Copenhagen or somewhere else in the world - join us directly from your living room! 

It is our experience for many years that Swedish students can advantageously choose the educations in either Norway, where the educations are in Norwegian and Danish - or the Global Line where all educations are in English.

Course content

You will study a total of 13 Modules, 3 days a week, Friday – Sunday.

Course schedule

Module 1 (week 46) 14-16, 2022
Module 2 (week 50) December 12-14Denmark/ Sexologiskolen Copenhagen 2023
Module 3 (week 3) January 20-22, 2023 Greenland/ Nuuk
Module 4 (week 5) January 30-February 1
Module 5 (week 8)  February 20-22
Module 6 (week 11) March 11-13
Module 7 (week 17) April 24-26
Module 8 (week 20) May 15-17
Module 9 (week 24) June 2-4 Faroe Islands/ Tórshavn
Module 10 (week 33) August 18-20 Iceland/ Reykjavik
Module 11 (week 36) September 4-6
Module 12 (week 39) September 25-27
Module 13 (week 43) Exam. October 23-24(-25) Denmark/ Sexologiskolen Copenhagen


  1. Payment on admission / registration Euro 3.700. Payable within 8 days of admission 
  2. Payment in 6 installments + admission / registration. Admission / registration Euro 370, within 8 days from admission. 1st-6th rate from every 1st day of the month from 1st month of study (Euro 555 + fee Euro 50) Euro 605.

Should you become able or wish to pay your educations faster than the 12 months, the total payment will be reduced by Euro 50for each month you pay faster.


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