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Electrical Driveline
This program is aimed to offer upskill or reskill opportunity to those who have experience in engineering or similar background. It provides knowledge about electrical vehicles and its components. All lectures are delivered as live webinar/seminars during daytime. All live webinar/seminars will be recorded and uploaded on the learning platform. The program provides the students with knowledge in electrification, Safety regulations Electrical machines, Electrical storage system and Power electronics.
Varför välja YH Akademin?
Samarbete med branscher
Distansutbildning med tillfällen på plats
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Basic eligibility
If you search the formal study qualifications, you are formally qualified for admission to an education if you have one of the following:
- Have a high school diploma from secondary school and municipal adult education.
- A Swedish or foreign education that meets the requirements of paragraph 1.
- Resident in Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway and is authorized to appropriate training.
- The Swedish or foreign education, practical experience or because of some other circumstance has the potential to benefit your education.
Additional Requirements:
– Mathematics 3 (Mathematics C)
– Physics 1 (Physics A)
Real skills and competence
You can also enroll the program with real skills, if you have no formal qualifications but feel that you have the necessary prerequisites you can have your real skills tested. Download and fill out the document below, then upload it to your application.
Introduction to Hybrid and electric vehicle systems and components 2 weeks
This course is an introduction to the electrical system in the vehicle’s structure, components and function. It also intended to provide students with knowledge about electrical and electronic equipment that incorporates a hybrid or electric vehicle.
Law, standards and guidelines 3 weeks
The purpose of this course is to give students thorough knowledge about the electrical safety instructions and guidelines which apply working on and in electric vehicles and fully knowledge about the guidelines developed by the MSB.
Basics of Electrical Engineering 3 weeks
The purpose of this course is to give the student the basic knowledge within electricity. First they will be presentations and calculations of DC- and AC-circuits together with the quantity’s energy and power and then the students will be introduced to 1 phase, 3 phase, jɷ-method, active and reactive power and magnetic circuits.
Electrical Machines 3 weeks
The purpose of this course is to give the student knowledge of the electric machine-topologies: Synchronous machines, Permanent magnet, Asynchronous machines. Area of focus will, for example, be Electromagnetic, calculations of parameters of the machines in steady state, arrangements of the winding, diagrams and the impact of number of poles.
Power Electronics 3 weeks
The purpose of this course is that the students should acquire knowledge of the power electronics that controls the electric drive system The students should have knowledge of power electronics components, functions, topologies, control types and how to dimension power converter. Understanding of power converter operation is necessary for analysis how power electronics impact other electrical equipment.
Energy storage systems 2 weeks
The purpose of this course is that the students is to gain knowledge in the industry of all types of electrical storage systems, Batteries, Fuel cells, Ultracapacitors and Flywheels, Its design, power and performance. In this course, the technical characteristics and principle of operation of existing batteries in the market, especially those of Li-ion, and those that are in development, as well as ultracapacitors, will be analysed.
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Vill du ta nästa steg i karriären eller utvecklas inom ditt yrke? Då är du på rätt plats! De senaste 25 åren har tusentals individer tagit sig vidare i karriären hos YH Akademin. Välj mellan ett brett utbud av utbildningar...